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Making Math Accessible for All
The MILE Way: Interactive,
Engaging, Adaptable

Partner Organizations

University of Alberta
Emory University
Elk Willow Consulting

What is MILE?


The Math Interactive Learning Experience is a collection of teaching tools and resources that provides interactive, engaging, and adaptable education for learners of all ages and neurodevelopmental diversities.


MILE's mission is to build strong math foundations by empowering students and teachers to advance at their own pace through the MILE approach, using teaching tools and strategies that overcome learning barriers.


Teacher Testimonials

“The small group activities have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of individual student’s understanding of concepts and processes. I have been able to better identify next steps and provide opportunities to develop concepts”
- Alberta Elementary Teacher

The MILE Cycle

The MILE Cycle is a guide designed to assist you in navigating the MILE with your students. It provides an overview of when and how to use different MILE materials and resources, as well as how to incorporate them into your lessons and activities.


For an overview, hover over each circle. To view details, click on each circle

MILE Cycle

Review video 2.1 to 2.3 to familiarize yourself the FAR model before using MILE with your students.

Identify the errors your students are making. Focus on one at a time before moving onto the next to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed.

Plan a lesson using Curriculum Activity Pages and numeracy progressions based on errors identified. Use the FAR approach to boost engagement, participation, and reflection from your students

Teach the lesson by selecting supporting activity pages using math observation assessment tool. Ensure that your student(s) know which error they are remediating.

Monitor and assess student progress and reselect activities for course correction using the Math Observation Assessment Tool (MOAT) and progress monitoring form. You can adjust your chosen activity by selecting a rudimentary or more challenging one as needed.

Connect with at-home supports to have students practice their remediation at home by selecting the corresponding off-school activity pages when possible.


Kids Brain Health Network

Participating School Jurisdictions
Across Canada

Edmonton Public Schools
Prairie Spirit School Division
Horizon School Division
Peace River School Division
Border Land School Division
Riviere Seine River School Division
Western Western School Division
Garden Valley School Division
Red River Valley School Division
Portage la Prairie School Division
High Prairie School Division

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